Snippets Quotes and Sneak Peeks

Release Date For Sacrificial Magic + Snippet

Since I last blogged, a lot has been going on in Stacia Kane land, so I’m going to do a few catch-up posts. I won’t bore you with reasons as to why blogging has been scarce. I’ll just say that, after the kind of winter we’ve had here, the sun is a coveted thing when it finally emerges after all the dark months. 😉 And, of course, summer is also a time of vacations and family get-togethers.

In any case, lots of awesome news!! There are quite a few little tidbits, but I’ll start with the major news. :-)

First, on June 1, Stacia made an announcement on her blog, and we finally got a release date for Sacrificial Magic – March 27!

I know we all hoped it would be sooner, but in Sweden we have a saying, that if you’re waiting for something good, the wait is never too long. :-) And I think we all know it’ll be worth the wait when we finally get to read the book.

We also got a short snippet from Sacrificial Magic to make the wait a bit easier:

His room hadn’t changed. The house hadn’t changed. Only the looks given her by the various guards or enforcers or whoever they were had; from bland acceptance to subtle suspicion.

And she’d changed, it seemed. At least a bit. In the car chatting all had been well, but when the door closed behind her it occurred to her how long it had been since she’d been there. And what had happened last time she’d been there. Happened several times and again in the morning, if memory served, which it did.

Another awkward moment when she started walking toward the bed, remembered, and turned back to the couch against the wall. Lex already sat there, lighting a cigarette, flipping a switch behind him so The Jam started playing in the background. King of his little room-castle, just like how one day he’d be king of this side of town.

“So what’s up?” The question sounded lame even to her, but she couldn’t think of anything else to say. The bed with its plain blue blanket and sheets loomed larger and larger in her vision.

New Quote From Downside 5 + A Peek At Geisterflut

From time to time Stacia treats us with a little quote from what she’s working on at the moment (because she’s awesome like that). We’ve not gotten very far in putting quotes together, but we will!

In Stacia’s last blog post, where she shows the German edition of Unholy Ghosts, Geisterflut, that she just received in the mail (and also does some experiments with the German translation of the sex scenes), she also included a new quote from Downside 5:

The stitches gave way under the knife with one quick stroke; the lips of the wound gaped open. Evil flew out of it and into the air like a mushroom cloud, stinking of decay and something else, something she couldn’t quite identify.

Chess and Bump both leaned over to look inside. It was bigger than she’d expected, sort of empty, and then—oh, gross.

“Ain’t seen me no innards in a some fuckin years, dig, but ain’t recall no fuckin black shit in there,” Bump said.

“What? Where’s that?”

He pointed.

Ugh. Time for the gloves.

What do you think? Sounds like just another day in Downside. 😉

A bit of trivia, provided by Stacia: Lex calls Chess “Tulpi” in the German translation. :-)

The cover of Geisterflut is a really cool one. Stacia demonstrated what the awesome fold-over-flap looks like:

To see the rest of her pics of Geisterflut (and read how Google translates the sex scene…), visit Stacia’s blog.

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