This is an early page, but Stacia has reported that she plans to start writing Downside 5 today (February 2, 2011), so very soon there will be a Downside 5 to talk about. :-)

Tweets about Downside 5:

“I did start Book 5 last night, and am VERY excited about this one!! *bounce around*” February 3, 2011 Source

About Elder Griffin in Downside 5:

“[…] Hee, can’t wait to write the EG scenes in Book 5!!! Very exciting!!!” Source

“[…] Hee. I hate not being able to tell! But he finds himself kind of tested, if that makes sense. & some good stuff happens for him.” Source


Snippets / Sneak Peeks:

Posted by Stacia in a blog post on March 18, 2011:

The stitches gave way under the knife with one quick stroke; the lips of the wound gaped open. Evil flew out of it and into the air like a mushroom cloud, stinking of decay and something else, something she couldn’t quite identify.

Chess and Bump both leaned over to look inside. It was bigger than she’d expected, sort of empty, and then—oh, gross.

“Ain’t seen me no innards in a some fuckin years, dig, but ain’t recall no fuckin black shit in there,” Bump said.

“What? Where’s that?”

He pointed.

Ugh. Time for the gloves.